Group Classes are designed for the pet owner who wants to be fully involved with their pet's training process. Classes meet once a week for the duration of the program and typically last 45-60 minutes. TLCC will teach you how to train your dog. Check the Calendar page to see when the next sessions start!
You must pre-register for all classes!
Call 248-987-2970 or email
Basic Obedience will teach owners and dogs the fundamentals of life. Behaviors learned will include: sit, down, come, off, stay. This class is a must for any dog. No dogs first class.
Cost: $150
Duration: 6 weeks
Pre-requisite: N/A; for puppies and dogs over 4 months
Day/Time: Tuesdays@ 7:15 pm
Next Session: Please see our calendar for next start date.
Practical Obedience expands on the basic behaviors learned in Basic Obedience. This course will prepare you and your dog for everyday activities such as: waiting at doorways, greeting other walkers with dogs and controlled walking in a crowd or pet store. This course also helps prepare your dog for the AKC Canine Good Citizen test.
Cost: $129
Duration: 6 weeks
Pre-requisite: Basic Obedience or instructor approval
Day/Time: Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm
Next Session: Please see our calendar for next start date.
Consultations - We offer many behavioral consultations including; behavior modification, aggressive behavior, fear aggression, socialization, house training, and more. Our trainer will sit with you and your companion, discuss the issues at hand, evaluate your pets behavior, and offer possible solutions to your specific needs. The fee for the consultation can be applied to training packages upon enrollment.
Cost $75
Duration: approx. 1 hour
Next Session: Please see our calendar for next start date.
Intro to Rally is a short four week class that introduces this exciting sport. This class will teach you a new way to use basic commands like heel, sit and down while building your relationship and having fun! Whether you are just looking to spend time with your dog or start competing to earn titles, this class is great for all dogs. We will go over what exactly rally is, what a competition looks like, AKC and UKC rules and all the signs for their novice levels. The last week or two, we'll setup a real world rally course and work through them together.
Scoring is not as rigorous as traditional obedience as perfect heel position is not required and handlers are encouraged to praise and talk to their dogs. Class will cover AKC Novice and UKC level one rally signs, including course setups, competition rules and much more. Dogs and handlers will also learn tips on how to perfect on-leash heeling, fronts and finishes.
Cost: $80
Duration: 4 weeks
Pre-requisite: Practical Obedience or instructor approval
Next Session: Please see our calendar for next start date.
Beginner Weight Pulling Class is open to all breeds. This class will teach you the basics to get started in the sport of canine weight pulling. Included: proper harness fitting, different weight pull styles, healthy exercising and more. This class is for both fun and competition beginners.
Cost: $80
Duration: 4 weeks
Pre-requisite: N/A
Next Session: Please see our calendar for class schedule.
AKC Canine Good Citizen Prep Class will teach all ten items that a dog must pass in order to obtain a CGC title. The first three weeks are practice and the last week is the test itself. Brush up your dog's obedience and prepare for the test! Open to all breed and ages.
Cost: $90 (including CGC test, a $25 value)
Duration: 3 weeks of class, 4th week is the test itself
Pre-requisite: Basic obedience is strongly recommended but not required for class
Next Session: Please see our calendar for next start date.
Canine Good Citizen Test
Test your dog's skills and earn an AKC title! Your dog does not need to be AKC registered or purebred to earn the Canine Good Citizen and can be any age.
The CGC Test is made up of 10 steps and is pass/fail. View more information on the AKC site here:
Cost: $25 per dog
Duration: ~15-30 minutes
Pre-requisite: N/A
Must pre-register - limited amount of spots open!
See calendar for next test date.
AKC Community Canine Test
Does your dog already have it's CGC (Canine Good Citizen) title? If your dog is registered with the AKC and has it's CGC title already, you might consider this test!
The AKC Community Canine (CGCA) is the advanced Canine Good Citizen title that tests the CGC items in a more "real world" scenario. Whereas Canine Good Citizen tests are most often tested in a ring and situations are simulated (e.g., 3 helpers serve as a "crowd"), the AKC Community Canine test is done in real situations including at shows, classes, and in the community.
You can read more about the CGCA test here:
**Contact us for the next scheduled test!**