Rat Games
Rat Games
Rat Games is a sanctioning organization of rat hunting with our dogs. Our focus is on fun and games for competitors, officials, and spectators!
Heads Or Tails
Work your dog at a distance with limited rats on course. The course is divided into 2 halves with cones. The course map is marked with heads on one side and tails on the other. A coin is flipped to determine which side the handler is on. The other side is a distance challenge which the handler can not cross unless RAT is called. Normal RAT removal rules apply, except once the tube is handed off the competitor must go to the original side chosen.
In this game you learn how to handle stress by focusing on finding 4-10 rats within 30 seconds or less for each rat and clearing the course.
Teamwork – it’s a beautiful thing to behold. Two people, two dogs and 4 minute to find 4 rats, sound easy enough? Not as easy as you think with added distractions in the ring!
Is the tunnel your dog’s strong suit? Then this game is for you! In this game, there will be as many as 8 tunnel opportunities, using only a few rats.
Versatility plus! Hurdles, rats and recall, oh my! This is a points game running head to head or single at the discretion of the club. Best out of three.
Mad Hatter
Have we gone mad!? Ten rats on course is a doggie smorgasbord and totally fun for the dog! Have fun and find rats!
Bet The Farm
This is a points game based on speed and similar to Mad Hatter with a twist! You don’t know the number of rats on course and you must call finish when course is clear of rats.
Does your dog work well away from you? This game requires your dog to work the course while you are entirely stuck behind a distance line! (Regular rat removal rules apply.)
Me First
This is a head-to-head competition where 2 dogs run in a ring split in half. The first dog to identify the rat wins. This is played as a single elimination, double elimination, or round robin tournament.
1 Rat, 2 Bedding
Time: 1:00
Simple Straight Tunnel (Not required to complete in Beginner.)
1 Rat, 2 Bedding
Time: 2:00
Simple Straight Tunnel
2 Rat, 3 Bedding
Time: 2:30
One Turn Tunnel
4 Rat, 4 Bedding
Time: 3:45
Two to Three Turn Tunnel
1-5 Rat, 3-7 Bedding
Time: 4:30
Three to Six Turn Tunnel
1-6 Rat, 2-7 Bedding
Time: 4:30
Three to Six Turn Tunnel
Veteran’s Division
The Veteran’s division is for the older dogs that can no longer climb structures or tunnel. All hides are on ground level or 1 level up (with the intent of the dog not having to climb). The tunnel is not required. A Veteran’s division shall be offered for each Courses, in each Trial, except the Beginner Course.